When I try to change my monitor's resolution from 1024 by 768 pixels to 1280 by 1024, everything on my desktop becomes VERY small. When I change the DPI to 120 from 96, only the text gets bigger. How can I change the resolution but keep the same sizes for everything?Screen Resolution?
there is no point in changing resolution but keeping thy same size. thy only reason there is that option is to make everything smaller or bigger. if u mean u want to change resolution of ur screen for graphics purposes, then u must change the options of ur screen only (there is a button or dial to change them on ur monitor) or buy a new screen.Screen Resolution?
Keep the Resolution that suits u.
Now to change ur Desktop icons or Fonts, Follow this:-
Right click on ur Desktop%26gt; Properties%26gt;Appearance. U can customize anything from srart menu to other settings.
.. say huh ?
.. when you change the resolution on your monitor .. you ARE making everything smaller.
.. not all monitors can handle all sizes these days .. some are squished horizontally. I run 1152 x 864 on a 17'; .. my brother runs 1600 x 1200 on a 21'; monitor.
.. there are also many other desktop options in Desktop Preferences %26gt; Appearance %26gt; Advanced.
:: ';How can I change the resolution but keep the same sizes for everything?';
.. doesn't really make any sense to me.
.. the second and first answers .. my answer is the exact same thing.
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